Sela's 39s (Warrior) 2H Weapon Quiz
Hello! <3
In this short quiz, your preference for different 39s 2H weapons shall be tested. Do be aware that this quiz does not have a singular, exclusive correct answer.
Please DM me your response on Discord. (Selaya#8374)
(i) Weapon Ranking In Absence Of A PoD ([Pendulum of Doom])
Please rank the following Weapons in a descending order:
(ii) Relative Strength Of The Best Replacement Weapon
Please rank the, in your opinion best replacement weapon from (i)'s strength, relative to the most powerful weapon (the PoD) and the least powerful (the Memeblade) of the bracket.
(You can use any kind of percentage, like 12%, 75.3632% or 223%; these are just example percentages given to make a point.)
(iii) To Proc Or Not To Proc
Now, imagine swapping the [Pendulum of Doom]'s proc (and/or stats, of the other weapon) to the best replacement weapon, and vice versa
(ie, if you believe the [Whirlwind Axe]'s the best replacement weapon,
you would have Weapon A with 3.6 speed, 102-154 damage range and the PoD's proc (without stats!),
and Weapon B with 4.0 speed, 124-187 damage range and +15 Strength and +14 Stamina, without proc!),
would you still use the Weapon with the proc?
Or would you rather opt for the better speed and damage range of the [Pendulum of Doom], even in absence of its namesake proc?
(iv) Relative Strength Of Your Bad PoD
At last, please rate the relative strength of your now-nerfed (or buffed?!) [Pendulum of Doom], relative to the original [Pendulum of Doom] and its best replacement:
- -1% = worse than the best replacement weapon from (i)
- 0% = as bad as the best replacement weapon from (i)
- 50% = equidistant
- 100% = just as good as a [Pendulum of Doom]
- 101% = better than a [Pendulum of Doom]
(You can use any kind of percentage, like 12%, 75.3632% or 223%; these are just example percentages given to make a point.)
(v) Expected Submission Format
Since you guys are apparently inept of figuring this out by yourself, this is an example submission.
Please ignore the example answers given, they are deliberately pointless.

Thank you for your participation!
<3, Sela